5 minutes a day Spanish reading -word


A, ~ e, ~, from ~

Abajo, bottom, below.

Abandonar, give up, give up, leave, give up; -SE, abandoned

Abanico, M., Fan, Fiance

ABEJA, F., bees.

Abierta, F., Open act.

abierto, -a, open; ABRIR’s past spray

ABONO, M., Subscribe.


Abrazar, I know; -SE, know each other.

ABRIL, M., April.

ABRIR, (p. p. Abierto), open.

Absurdo, ridiculous.

ABUELA, F., Grandma.

ABUELO, M., Grandpa; pl., grandparents.

Abundancia, f., Rich, rich.

Abundancia, rich.

Abundante, rich; – En Dinero, I have a lot of money.

Acabar, complete, finish; Give, get tired;

Acaba de Ver, he just saw it. Acaba Por Vender, he finally sold. AL – de reír, they finish their laughter.

Acaso, perhaps.

Accidente, m., accident, chance.

Acción, f., action; share.

About Acerca de, to ~.

Acercarse, approach, approach

ACERO, M., Steel; knife.

Acierto, M., Success; technology.

Acompañar, accompanied.

Acornsejar, advice.

Acontecer, things happen

Acontecido: LO -, what happened.

Acontecimiento, m., Event.

Acordarse, (UE), remember, recall

Acortar, shortening, short

Acostarse, (UE), lie down, go to bed.

Acostumbrarse, get used to it.

Acto, m., Smoke.

Actriz, F., Actress.

Acuático, -a, aquatic; Línea acuática, waterway.

Acudir, hurry.

Acued, m. Subj. of acostar.

Adán, M., Adam.

Adelantarse, go in advance to go forward.

Adelante, forward; EN -future.

Además, and in addition,

ADENTRO, internal; Para SUS —S, to yourself.

¡Adiós!, Hello!

Adivinanza, F., Mystery.

Adivinar, guess; Doubt.

Admirarse, surprised.

ADOND, where, where.

Adorable, lovely, loved.

Adormecer, go to bed.

Adornar, decorate

Adorno, M., Ornament.

Adulto, -a, M. f., Adults, adults

Adversidad, F., Adversity, unhappy.

Advertencia, F.

AdvertiR, (IE), Know, mention; Venture attention; Warning, attention.

Advierto, press. Advertising attention.

Advirtió, Past Abs. of AdvertiR.

Afablemente, kindly.

Afecto, M., affection.

AFeitar, shave.

Afición, f., affection.

AFICIONADO, -A, Favorite.

Afilado, -a, sharp.

AFILAR, sharpen it.


AFortunadamente, fortunately.

Fortunado, -luck.

África, f., Africa.

Agitar, shake; -SE, excited.

Agosto, M., Autust.

Agotar, get tired.

Agradable, pleasant, pleasant.


Agrado, M., Attractive.

Agrícola, agriculture.

Agrictultura, F., Agriculture.

Agua, f., Water; Estación de las –s, rainy season.


Agudeza, F., Wit; brightness.

Agudo, -a, sharp, pointed; witty.

águila, f., eagle.

Aguja, f., needle.

¡Ah! Interj., Oh! iced coffee!

AHí, there.

AHOGADO, -A, Choppy, Choe.

AHORA, now – Mismo, still; POR – As for now, now.

AHORCAR, hanging type.

AIRE, M., Air.

Ajeno, -a, strange, foreign; Others.

Ajustar, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust, adjust

AL = a el.

ALA, F., Wings.

Alabar, praise

Alameda, F., Promenade.

Alarmado, -a, surprised.

Alboroque, M., Treatment.

Alborotar, noise; -SE, excited.

Alcalde, M., Judge.

Alcanzar, achieve; Follow you.

Alcázar, M., Castle.

Aldabazo, M., Loud knocks.

Aldea, F., Village.

ALEGARSE, rejoices, rejoices

Alegre, I’m happy, I’m happy.

AlegREMENTE, fun.

Alegría, f., Joy, joy.

Alejarse, Leave

ALEMANIA, F., Germany.

AlForja, F., Saddle bag.

álgebra, f., algebra.

Algo, PRON. And ADV., Something.

algodón, m., cotton

Alguien, someone, someone.

Algún, Alguno. Reference.

Alguno, -a, someone, some.

Alhaja, f., Jewelry.

Aliento, M., Courage.


ALMA, F., Soul; De Mi – A very loving person.

ALEDEDOR (DE), medicine, surroundings; MI -, around me.

Altercar, quarrel.

Alteza, f.

Alto, -a, Adj., High, large.

Alto, adv., Noisy; PASAR POR – Shoes quietly.

Altura, F., Height.

Alumno, M., Student, Student.

Allá, there; más – beyond, go further.

Allí, -there.

Amado, -a, love.

Amar, I love you; -SE, to love each other.

Amarillo, -a, yellow.

AMBOS, -AS, both.

Amigo, M., Friends.

Amiguito, M., Friends.

AMO, M., Master,

AMOR, M., Love, affection.

Amoroso, -a, love.

Ampliar, increase

Anciano, -a, old.

Ancho, -a, wide, wide; ¿Cuánto tiene el canal de —? What is the width of the canal?

Anchura, f., width.

¡Anda! Interj., Come now! comport!

Anduvo, past abs. Andar.

Anécdota, F., Story

ángel, m., Angel.

Angosto, -a, narrow.

Anhelar, longing.

Anima, f., Soul; mental.

Animado, -a, lively.

Animal, M., Animals; Fool, idiot.

Animo, M., Courage, Soul.

Anoche, last night.

Anochecer, darker; AL -, twilight.


Ante, Prep., before.

Anterior, before, before

Antes, Adv., before; Faster, rather, — de, – Que, Prep., Before.

Antiguo, -a, old, ancient.

Anunciar, present.

Anuncio, M., Presentation.

Añadir, add.

Añil, M., Indigo.

año, m., year; Teane Ocho -He is 8 years old.

Aparezco, (pres. Aparezco).

Apariencia, F.

Apartado, -a, secluded, not interrupted.

Apartarse, leave, start.

apellido, m., castle.

Apenas, almost, almost.

apetito, m., appetite.

Aplicar, apply

Apodo, M., Nickname; PONER UN —— Give your nickname.

Apostar, (UE), bet

APRECIO, M., Evaluation.

Apender, learn; –, learn.

APRENDIZ, M., apprentice.

APRENSIVO, -A, worried, timid.

Prestar, prepare, prepare.

APRESURAR (SE), hurry up.

APRISIONADO, -A, imprisoned, imprisoned, trapped.

Apuesta, pres. of apostar.

Apuesta, F., bet.

Apuro, M., Difficulty, embarrassment.

Aquel, Aquella, Aquello, DEM. Adj., That.

Aquél, Aquélla, DEM. PRON., That person, electronics.

Aquí, here; Por ——, here.

ARA, F., Altar.

Arbol, M., Tree.

Arcángel, M., Archangel.

Ardilla, F., Squirrel.

Arduo, -a, hard, rough.

Arena, f., sand; arena.

Aristocrático, -a, noble.

Aritmética, F., arithmetic.

ARPA, F., Half.

ARREGLAR, solve, organize.

arrepentido, -a, sorry.

Arrestar, arrest.

Arriba (DE), up, up; uphill; más ——, more up; ¡——! consolation!

Arrodillarse, kneel

Arrojar, throw, throw

Arroz, m., Rice.

Arte, M. And f., Art.

Artículo, M., Knight.

Artístico, -a, artistic.

Ascender,… Reach

Ascensor, M., Elevator.

ASEGURAR, guarantee.


ASESINAR, assassination, murder

ASFALTO, M., Asphalt.

Así, so, so; ——Que, so.

ASIR, (pres. Asgo), grabbed.

Asistente, M., Assistant.

ASISTIR, attend, attend.

ASNO, M., Butt, Donkey.

Asomar, show.

ASOMBRO, M., Surprise, surprise.

Aspecto, m., Side, appearance.

Aspirar, smell.

Astilla, f.

Astrología, F., astrology.

Astrologo, m.

ASUNTO, M., Oedo, Problem.

ASUSTARSE, terrified.

Atado, -a, tied.

Atensión, F., Caution; Prestar ——, pay attention.

Atentamente, carefully.

Atento, -a, careful.

Aterrador, -Ra, scary.

Atlantico, -a, Atlantic.

Atolondrado, -a, fluttering, distracted brain.

atónito, -a, surprised, surprised.

Atraer, (Traer), pull down

Atrás, back.

Atravesar, cross, cross.


Atronador, -Ra, thunder.

Aturrdido, -a, bewildered.

Audaz, bold, bold.

Audiencia, F., Audience.

Aumentar, increase, increase

Aumento, M., Increase; VA EN -, increasing.

Aunt, aún, still, even, yet.

AUNQUE, still, even though.

Ausencia, f., absent.

Automóvil, M., Car.

Autor, M., Author.

Autoridad, F., Prestige.

Avaricia, F., Greed.

Avaro, -a, greedy.

Avaro, M., Shoes.

Avena, F., Oat.

Avenida, F., Street.

Aventura, F., Adventure.

Averiguar, counting, loosen.

Avivar, inspiring, fasting; Aviva el Ojo, open your eyes and look sharply.

Auda, F., Help, Help; —— Kamara, valet.

Ayudante, M., Assistant.

Ayudar, help, help

Azotea, F., Balcony.

Azucar, m., sugar; Caña de – — sugar cane.

Azufre, M., Sulfur.

Azul, Blue


Bahía, F., Bahia, Brazilian city.bahía, f., Man (sea, lake).

Bairarina, F., Dancer.

Bajar, go down

bajo, adv., Low.

Bajo, -a, low.

Bajo, Prep., below.

BALDE: en ——, in vain; de —— for free.

Balneario, M., Water.

BANCO, M., Bank; Bench.

Bandera, F., Banner.

Bañar, bath; -SE, take a bath

Baño, M., Bath.

Baraja, F., Card Pack.

Barato, -a, cheap.

Barba, f., jaw; mustache.

bárbaro, -a, strange, exaggerated.

barbaro, m., barbarians; Polite guy.

Barbero, M., Barber.

Barbón, a beard or a beard.

Barco, M., Boat.

Barrio, M., Neighbors.

Barro, M., Clay.

Bastante, enough, enough; Pretty.

Bastar, enough, enough.

BATA, F., Bath gown.

Batalla, F., Battle.

Bayoneta, F., Bayon.

Bazar, M., Bazaar, Shop.

Beber, drink

Bebida, f., drink.

Bello, -a, beautiful

Bendito, -a, blessed.

Benigno, -a, friendly, friendly

Bestia, F., Wildlife, Beast,

BIBLIOTECA, F., Library.

Bicicleta, F., Bicycle.

Bien, um; NO ——, almost, soon.

BIFTEC, M., Beef steak.

Billet, M., Bill; —— de Banco, bill. banknote

Biología, F., Biology.

bisiesto: año ——, leap year.

Blanco, -a, white.

Blando, -Soft, softness.

BOBO, M., Fool.

BOCA, F., Mouth.

BODA, F., Wedding, Wedding.

Bolero, M., Spanish dance.

bolsa, f., pocket, wallet.

bolsilla, f., pocket; note.

Bolsillo, M., Pocket.

bondad, f., Goodness, kindness.

Bonito, -a, pretty.

Borrado, -a, deleted, erased.

Bosque, M., Forest.

Botar, rebound.

BOTELLA, F., Bottle.

Botón, M., button.

Brazo, m., arm .bribón, m.

Bridón, M.

Brindis, M.

broma, f., jokes; No es para ——s, not a joke.

See Bronce, M., Bronze.buen, Bueno.

Bueno, -a, good; Estar ——, good, good.

Bulla, F., Noise.

Buque, M., Ships, belly; —— de guerra, warship.

Burla, f., Jokes, ridicule.

Burlar, mock, mock, mock, mock.

BURRO, M., Butt, Donkey.

BUSCA, F., Search.

BUSCAR, Find, Find, Find.


Cabalgata, F.

Caballero, M., Gentleman; Article.

Caballo, m., horse.

Cabaña, F., Cabin.

Cabello, M., Hair.

CABEZA, F., Head; Dolor de —— headache.

CABO, M., End; headland; Al -, finally, finish; al – de, at the end; Llevar a ——, do it.

Cabra, f., Goat.

CACAO, M., Cocoa.


CADA, each, all.

Cadáver, M.

Caer, (pres. Caigo), fall; —— EN Algo, notice something; —— En Gracia, I like it at once

Café, m., Coffee.

Cafeto, M., Coffee tree.

CAJA, F., Box.

Cajita, f., Small box.

Calaverada, f., foolish behavior; joke.

Calidad, F., Quality.

cálido, -a, warm.

Caliente, warm; Andar ——, comfortably.

Calificar, consider; ——Se de, considered as it is considered.

calma, f., calm.

Calor, m., Open; HACE —, warm, hot.

Calzado, M., Shoes.

¡Calla! Wait!, Shh!

Callar, silence; Repeat it, go quietly; —— EL PICO, I’m shut up.

Calle, f., Street.

CAMA, F., Bed; METERE EN —— Lying in bed, lying down.

Camara, f., Room; Ayuda de —— Valet.

Camarada, M., Comrade.

CAMBIAR, change, exchange

Camello, M., Camel.

Caminar, walk, travel

Camino, M., Road, Road, Travel; —— de hierro, railroad.

Campana, F., Bell.

Campanario, M., Tower.

Campaña, F., Campaign.

Campesino, m., Rural, farmer.

CAMPO, M., Field, Country; Al – in the country.

Canal, M., Canal.

Canción, f., Song.

Candoroso, -a, honest, simple.

Cansado, -a, tired.

Cantar, sing; whine; ES otro ——, completely separate …

Cantidad, F., Quantity.

Caña, f., Wand.

cañón, m., cannon; Organ pipe.

CAOBA, F., Mahogany.

Capital, F., Water (City).

Capital, M., Capital (funds).

Capitán, M., Captain.

Capitolio, M., Parliament.

CARA, F., Face.

Característico, -a, characteristics.

Caramelo, M., Caramel; Brown sugar.

Carbón, M., Coal.

Carcajada, F., Big laugh; SOLTAR LA —— laughs.

Carcel, F., Prison.

Carga, f.

Cargar, load; bother. .

Cargo, m., Fare; HACERSE —— DE, start.

CARIDAD, F., Charity.

Cariño, M., affection, love.

Cariñoso, -a, soft, affectionate.

Caritativo, -a, charity.

Carne, f., meat; flesh.

Carnero, m., Yang.

Carnicero, M., Butcher.

Carta, f., Letter.

CASA, F., House; en ——, at home; —— de Baños, bath facilities.

Casar, get married -SE (con), marriage

Casi, almost.

Casino, M., Casino.

CASO, M., Event, Event; HACER —— DE, get attention.

CASTA, F., Types, race, species.

Castaño, -a, brown.

CasualIdad, f., accident, chance; por —— by chance.

Catedral, F., Cathedral.

Categoría, F., Category, Types, Fields.

Católico, -a, Catholic.

Catorce, 14.

causa, f., Cause, reason; A – — because, because.

causar, causing, causing, causing

Cavar, digging.

Cavilación, f., deep meditation.

Cavilar, meditating, thinking ..

Caza, f., Hunt.

Cazador, M., Hunter.

Congratulations on CELEBRAR.

CELEBRE, famous, prominent.

Celeste, heavenly.

CENA, F., Dinner.

CENAR, dinner

Censor, m., Critics.

Censurar, blame, find a mistake

Centellante, sparkling, flashing.

Centésimo, -a, a hundred minutes.

Céntimo, M.

Central, central.

Centro, M., Central.

CEHñir, (i), Dong -mae, surrounded by a friend

Cepillo, m., Eraser.

CERA, F., Wax.

CERCA, nearby, medicine, — — — de, ~.

Cercano, -a, nearby, neighbor.

CERDO, M., Pig.

Cereals, M,. PL., grain.

Ceremonia f., Ceremony.

CERO, M., Young (0).

Cerrado, -a, closure.

Cerrar, (IE), close

Cesar, stop, stop

CIEGO, -a, blind.

CIELO, M., Heaven; sky.

Cien, bag (100).

Ciencia, F., Science.

CiEnto, bag.

Ciertamente, definitely, definitely.

Cierto, -a, certain, certain; por ——, definitely; Definitely, definitely.

Cigarro, M., Cigar.

Cinco, five.

Cincuenta, Fifty (50).

Cinema, cinematógrafo. Reference.

Cinematógrafo, m., Cinematograph.

Ciprés, M., Cyprus.

Circunstancia, F., Situation; quality.

Ciruela, F., Plum.

Citar, quote, quote

ciudad, f., poetry (city).

Ciudadano, M., Citizens.

Civil, citizen.

Clamar, shout; Sound, roar.

Claramente, clearly.

Claro, -a, Clear, E, vivid; light.

Clase, F., Class.

Clavo, m., Nail.

Cliente, M., Customer.

Clima, M., Climate.

Cobarde, m., Coward.

Cobijar, cover; Protect.

COBRE, M., Copper.

Cobrizo, -a, copper.

COCINA, F., Kitchen.


COCO, M., Coconut.

Coche, M., Wagon.

Cochero, M., Mabu.

Codicia, f., greed.

CODO, M., Elbow.

COFRADIA, F., Brotherhood.

Coger, hold, hold on

cola, f., tail.

Colarse, (UE), slide

Cólera, f., anger.

Cólera, M., Cholera.

Coléricamente, angry.

Colérico, -a, angry.

Colgante, hanging, suspended.

Colmena, f., honeycomb.

COLOCAR, Duda, Duda.

Color, m., Color.

Colosal, huge.

Comedy, F., Comedy.

Comenzar, start, start

Comer, eat it.

Comercio, commercial.

Comerciante, M., Merchants.

Comercio, M., Commerce.


Cómico, -a, cartoon.

Comida, F., Meal; dinner.

Comisión, F., Commission.

COMO, Adv., Like, like ~.

¿Cómo? how?

Compañero, m., Companion.

Compañía, F., Company; —— Por Acciones, Co., Ltd.

Competidor, M., Competitor.

Complacer, (pres. Complazco), satisfaction, satisfied.

Completamente, completely.

Completar, completed

Completo, -a, complete; Por ——, completely.

Componer, (see Poner) Composition, Preparation, Arrangement; -SE, configure

Composición, F., Configuration; Ready; Dish.

Compositor, M., Composer.

Compota, f., Stew.

Compra, F., Purchase.

Comprador, M., Buyer.


Compender, understand.

Compueto, -a, array; p. p. of componer.

Compuso, Past Abs. of componer.

Común, ordinary, common sense, criteria

Comunicación, f., Communication, dialogue; Poner en ——, connect.

Con, together, by.

Conceder, give concessions.

Concepto, M., Concept, Ideas.

Concesión, f., concession.

Concierto, M., Concert.

Concluir, (Pre. Concluyo), conclude, finish.

Concurrir (EN), I agree.

CONDE, M., Count.

CONDENA, F., sentence.

Condenar, condemn, sentence.

Condición, f., state; kind.

CONDIMENTO, M., seasoning, spices.

Cóndor, M., Condor.Conducir, (pres. Conduzco, Past Abs. Conduje), command, lead.

ConductA, F., Action.

Conducto, M., Pipe.

Confiar, (pres. Confío), confess, trust

Congreso, M., Congress.

Conmemorativo, -a, commemorative.

Conmovido, -a, movement, impression.

ConoCer, (pres. Conozco), know, recognize.

Conocido, m., acquaintance.

Conseguir, (i) succeeded .Conserva, f., preserved; en ——, preserved.

Conservar, preserve, keep it.

Considerable, considerable.

Considerable, quite.

Considerar, consider, think.

Consigo, with him.

Consiguiente: por ——, consequently.

Consistir, configured, configured

Consolar, (UE), comfort, comfort

Constantemente, constantly.

Constitute, F., Constitution.

Construcción, F., Construction, Building.

Construir, (pres. Construyo) Constructed and Constructed.

Consuela, the media. Of the console.

Contar, (UE), calculate; Talk about

Contentar, satisfaction

Contento,-, content, satisfaction, happiness.

Contento, M., Pleasure, Satisfaction.

Contestación, F., Answer.

Contestar, answer, respond

Continente, M., Continental.

Continuar, continue

Continuo, -a, continuous.

Contorno, M., Earth.

Contra, contrary.

Convenner, persuade

Conveniencia, F.

Convenir, (IE) suitable; (See Venier).

Conversación, F., Conversation.

Conversar, talk.

Copia, F.


Corán, m., Koran.

Corazón, M., Heart.

Cordero, M., Mutual. Cub

Cordial, friendly.

cordón, m., Hyun; Belt, code.

coro, m., chorus; choir.

Corona, F., Crown.

Coronel, M., Colonel.

Corpulento, fat.

Correcto, -a, right.

Correr, run, run

Corrida, f.

Cortar, cut

Corte, F., Court.

Corte, m., edge (knife).

Cortés, polite, polite right.

Cortesano, M., court.

Cortesia, f., courtesy.

Corto, -a, short.

cosa, f., things; Problem; —— RARA, I’m curious, light.

COSECHA, F., Harvest.

COSECHAR, reap, harvest,

Costa, F., Coast.

Costar, (UE), pay. ~

Costo, M., Cost.

Costumbrre, f., customs, habits; pl., Manners.

cráneo, m., skull, skeleton.

Crecer, growth.

Crecido, -a, increase, rise.

Creer, (pres. Part. Creyendo), believe; think.

Cresta, f., Crest.

Creyent, M., Believers, faithful.

cria, f., parenting; tribe.

criada, f., servants, maids.

criadero, m., Breeding.

criado, m., servant.

Criar, grow, grow

cristal, m., Crystal, cutting glass.

Cristalería, F., Glass, Glass.

Cuadrado, -a, square.

cuadro, m., Figure; Paint, etc.

¿Cuál?, Which?

CUALQUIER, whatever.

CUALQUIERA, everyone.

Cuando, when.

¿Cuándo?, When?

Cuanto, -a; every; en – — A, in relation; en ——, quickly.

cuánto, -a? How much? how much?

Cuarenta, forty.

Cuarto, -a, 1/4.

Cuarto, M., Room.

Cuatro, 4.

Cubierta, F., Cover.

Cubrir, (p. p. Cubierto), cover.

Cuchillo, M., Carl.

CUELLO, M., Thu.

Cuenta, F.

Cuento, M., Story, Story.

Cuerdo, -a, wise.

Cuerno, M., Horn (animal).

Cuero, m., Leather, felt.

Cuerpo, M., Body.

cuesta, f., hills, slopes; —— Arriba, uphill. —— ABAJO, downhill.

Cuestión, F., Question.

Cuidado, M., Be careful; TENER ——, be careful; ¡No Tengas —!, Don’t worry!

Cuidar, be careful.

Culpar, blame.

Cultivar, grow

Cultivo, M., Cultivate.

Cumplir implement, accomplish; serve.

cúpula, f., Dome, circular roof

Cura, M., Priest.

Curar, heal

curiosidad, f., curiosity.Curso, m.

Curvo, -a, curve.

Cutis, m., Skin.

CUYO, -A, whose, among them.


Chanza, f., jokes; ENTENDER DE —S, lightly considered.

charco, m., Pool, pond.

Chasco, m.

Chato, -a, flat nose, flat.

Chico, -a, small.

Chile, M., Chile.

Chillar, screams, screams

China, F., China.

Chiquillo, M., Young Boy.

Chiquitína, F., Young Girl.

Chispa, f., Fire, fire.

¡Chispas! Thunder and lightning! sound!

Chocar, hut, hut

Chocolate, M., Chocolate.

chupona, f.


DAMA, F., Lady.

Danzar, dances

Daño, M., injury, injury.

Dar, give;

DE, with, together, by side; Above all (comparison).

Debajo (DE), below, below.

Deber, unconditionally good; ——SE, it is scheduled.

Deber, M., Duty.

débil, weak.

Debilitar, weakening

Decidir, decide

Decir, (Digo, Diré, Dije, Dicho) to say, say; Quurer ——, it means.

Declar, declare

Delive, m., Sergeant; en ——, tilted.

Dedicarse, dedicated yourself, devoted yourself.

DEDO, M., Finger; toes.

Degollar, (UE), beheaded.

dejar, do; Leave, fail, throw away.

del = de el.

Delante (de), before, before.

Delegción, f.

DELEITADO, -A, I am happy.


DELEITE, M. Joy, Pleasure.Deletreal, separate pronunciation

Delgado, -a, dry, dry.

Delicado, -a, delicate.

Demandar, demand; Ask.

Demasiado, -a, excessive.

Demasiado, Adv., Too, too, excessively.

DEMONIO, M., Devil.

Demostrar, (UE), show; Prove

Denso, -a, dense and thick; heavy.

DENTRO, inside; Inside.

Derecho, -a, straight; Right side.

Derecho, M., right.


Desaliento, m., Discourse, disappointment.

Desaparerer, (pres. Desaparezco), disappear; Gone (dying).

Desarrollar, develop.

Desatar, solve.

Desatento, -a, careless.

Desazón, f.

Descansar, rest.

Descender, (IE), descend.

Descendiente, M., Descendants.

Descontento, -a, dissatisfaction.

DECONTINUAR stop, stop

Descripir, (p. p. Descripito), explain .descripción, f.

Descubrimiento, M., Discover.

Descubrir, (p. p. Descubierto), discover, reveal, identify, reveal, reveal.

Desde, so far; at.

Desdeñosamente, despair.

Desdicha, f.

Desear, desire, hope

Desechar, throw away.

Deseo, M., Desire, Wish.

Desesperación, F., Despair.

Desesperado, -a, desperate; It is desperate.

Desgraciadamente, unfortunately.

Deshelar, (IE), thaw

Desierto, -a, desolate, uninhabited islands.

Desigualdad, f., inequality.

Deslizarse, slide

Desmayado, -a, faint, embarrassed.

Desmayar, stun.

Desmejorar, decline, worsening

Desnudo, -a, naked, naked.

Desobediente, disobedient.

Despacio, slowly.

Despededirse, (i), throw away, leave

Despertar, (IE), wake up, wake up.

Despique, M., Evil: Revenge.

Despropósito, m., absurd.

Después, later; ——D, after.

Destilación, f., distillation; distillation.

Destino, M., Destiny, Destiny.

Destrozar, destroy

Destrozo, m., Destruction, damage.

Detruir, (pre. Detruyo), destroy.

Desvanecer, (pres. Desvanezco), disappear, disappear.

Desvestir, (pres. Desvisto), take off clothes.

Detener, (see IE, TENER), detain, suppress; -SE, stop

Determinar, decide

Detrás (de), behind.

Devolver, (uE; p. p. Devuelto), return it.

Devorar, swallow.

Diablo, M., Devil.

Diariamente, every day.

Diario, -a, every day.

Diario, M., Daily.

Dice, press. Determination,

DICIEMBRE, M., December.

Dictar, instruct.

Dicho, M.

Dichoso,- A Happy.

DIENT, M., Teeth.

Diestro, -a, skilled, skilled.

Diez, 10, column.

Diferencia, f.

Differenciatse, I think it is different.

Diferente, different.

Difícil, difficult.

Dificultad, F., Difficult.

Difunto, -a, started.

Diligencia, f. industry.

Diligente, diligent.

Diligentemente, diligent.

Dinamita, F., Dynamite.

DINERO, M., Money.

Dios, m., M., God.

DIOSA, F., Goddess.

Diputado, M., Agent.

Dirección, f., direction, management.

Directamente, direct.

Dirigir instruct, command; -SE, point to yourself.

Discípula, F., Pupils.

Discípulo, M., Pupils.

DISCO, M., Disc.

Discontento, -a, dissatisfaction.

Disculpar, relax, excuse

Discurrir, discuss, talk

Discusión, F., Discussion.

Disgusto, m. hide.

Disparate, m., Nonsense.

Dispensar, excuse, pardon; Please stay without room .Disponer, (see Poner)

Distancia, F., Street.

Distinguido, -a, distinguished.

Distinguir, distinguish; -SE, distinguishing yourself, becoming famous

DistinTamente clearly, obviously.

Distraer, (see Traer), disperse caution .Distribución, f., Distribution, distribution; Distribution,

Distrito, M., Earth, Zone

Diversión, f.

DIVERSOS, -AS, multiple.

Dividir, divide

DIVISAR, more than

DOCE, Twelve two.

Dólar, M., Dollar.

Dolor, M., Pain; —— de cabeza, headache.

Dominar, dominant

Domingo, M., Sunday.

Dominio, M., Rule, Rules.

DONDE, where.

¿Dónde? where? ¿Por ——? What kind of way?

DONDEQUIERA, anywhere.

Dormir, (UE), sleep.

DOS, two; A las ——, at 2 o’clock.

dosciquitos, two hundred.

Dragón, M., Dragon.

Drama, M., Drama,

DUDA, F., Doubt.

Dudar, doubt.

Dudilla, f.

Dulce, sweet.

Durante, while.

Durar, lasting, continuing.

Duro, -a, hard, hard.


E = Y, and (before I or HI).

Economía, F., Economy, Savings.

Echar, throw

Edad, F., Age.

EDIFICIO, M., Building.

Educación, F., Education.

EFECTO, M., Effect, Results; KO ——, fact.

Egikto, M., Egypt.

EJECUTAR, run, run

ejecutivo, -a, executive.

EJERCER, exercise.

él, that, it; Him

Elastico, -a, elastic; Goma elástica, rubber.

Elector, M., Election.

Eléctrico, -a, electricity.

Elegir, (i), choose, select.

Elevado, -a, high, high.

Elvarse, rise.

Elogiar, praise.

Elogio, M., Chidosa, Praise.

ELLA, she, it;

Ellos, -AS, they.

Embargo, SIN —— Nevertheless.

Embestir, (i), attack

Embriagado, -a, drunk, drunk.

Embushero, m.

Eminentemente, excellent, prominent, remarkably

Empalar, stab. EMPEHAR, collateral, -se, claim; Stubborn.

EMPEERAR, worse.

Emperador, M., Emperor.

EMPERO, but.

Empezar, (IE), start.

Emplear, hire; need.

Emprender, in charge.


EN, inside, on the side, on the top, inside.

Encalabrinarse, ~

Encantado, -a, happy.

Encantador, -RA, attractive, bewitching.

Encargar, responsibility, command

Encerrar, (IE), lock

Encontrar, (UE), meet, find; —se, found.

Encrucijada, F., Intersection.

Encuentra, Press. Opposite.

Endiablado, -a, a demon-like, cursed.

Enemigo, -a, hostile.

Enemigo, M., Red.

Enero, M., January.

Enfadarse, angry.

Enfasis, F., Emphasis.

Enfermo, -a, hurts, hurts.

Engañar, 카지노사이트 cheat, fraud; ——SE, make a mistake.

Engreír, make it proud, boast.

Enigma, M., Puzzle, mystery.

Enjambre, M.

Enojar, annoying; Uncomfortable.

Enorme, huge, serious.

ENSANGRENTAR, (IE), to stain with blood.

Ensayar, try, try

Ensayo, M., Trial, attempt.

Enseñar, teach; to show.

ENTENDER, ie understand.


Entertainment, completely.

Enter, announce it.

Enternecido, -a, inspiration, deep influenced.

Entero, -a, all, all.

Enter, (IE), Muda, buried

ENTIERRO, M., Store; See Sardina.

Entonar, sound

Entonces, then, then.

Entrada, F., Entrance, Admission

Entrar, enter.

Entre, between.

Entreaabierto, -a, between

Entregar, handed it.

Envir, (i).

Epitafio, m.

época, f., EPOCH, period, time.

Equivaler, (see Valer), equivalent.

ERA, F., Era.

Errar, make mistakes

Error, m., Error, mistake.

Erudito, -a, learned, learned.

Escaldar, burn it.

Escalera, F., Stairs.

Escalfar, poached.

Escandaloso, -a, a fierce fierce.

Escapar, escape

ESCARMENTAR, (IE) experience wisely.

Escena, F., Scene.

Esclavo, M., Slave.

Esclusa, F., Lock.

Escondido, -a, hidden.

Escopetazo, M., gunshot.

Escripir, (p. p. Escripto).

Escriptor, M., Writer.

Escripitura, F., Write.

Escuchar, listen.

Escuela, F., School.

Escupir, spit

ESA, ESA, ESO, that; A eso de, medicine; Algo de eso, something like this.

ESENCIA, F., essence.

Esfuerzo, M.

Espacio, M., Space.

Espantado, -a, terrified.

Espantar, scared.

Espanto, M., Fear, Shock.

España, F., Spain.

Español, -la, Spanish; Spanish.

Esparcido, -a, scattered.

Especial, special.

ESPECIALMENTE, especially.

Espectáculo, m., Spectacle; Good scenic.

Espejo, m., Mirror.

Esperanza, F., Hope.

Esperar, hope, look forward; wait.

Espeso, -a, thick, dense.

Espina, f., thorn.

Espinazo, m.,

Espirar expires, die.

Espíritu, M., Mind; Vessel.

Espléndido, -a, majestic, great.

Esposa, F., Wife.

Esposo, M., Husband; ——, husband and wife, couple.

Esqueleto, m., Skeleton.

ESTABLECER, (pres. Establezco)

Establecimiento, M., Established.

ESTABLO, M., Stable.

Estación, F., Season; —— de las aguas, rainfall .Estado, m., Lord; Los Estados Unidos, the United States.

Estaño, M., Note.

Estar, (pres. Estoy, past abs. Estuve), —— Para, ~ ——SE, stay out.


éste, ésta, this; The latter.

ESTE, M., East.

Estenografía, f., shorthand.

Estéril, barren.

Estimado, -a, respectful, valuable.

ESTO, (neutral of ESTE): en ——, accordingly.

Estómago, m., camouflage.

Estraño, -a, strange, foreign.

Estrecho, -a, narrow.

Estrellado, -a, broken; Huevos ——s, egg frying.

Estremecerse, (pres. Estremezco) Shocked, shakes, shakes.

Estreno, M., First performance.

Estuche, M., Barber Bag.

Estudiante, M., Student.

Estudiar, study

Estudio, M., Study, Study.

Estupendo, -a, huge.

Estúpidamente, foolish.

Estúpido, -a, stupid.

ETC. = Others and so on.

Eternamente, forever.

Eterno, -a, eternal.

Europa, F., Europe.

Europeo, -a, European.

Evidente, clear.

Evitar, avoid, prevent

Exactamente, exactly, precisely.

Exacto, -a, accurate, conscientious.

Examinar, check

Excelencia, f., Excellence; Great.

Excelente is excellent.

Excelentísimo, -a, the best.

Excitar, excitement

Exclamar, shout.

Exclusivo, -a, exclusive.

EXHALA, exhale.

EXIGIR, request.

éxito, m., Success.

Experiencia, F., Experience.

Expirer, expires, die.

Explicación, F., Description.

Explicar, explain

Explotación, f., exploitation.

Exponer, (see Poner), placed in front.

Exportación, F., Export.

exportar, 수출하다; ——se, 내보낼 수 있습니다.

expresión,f., 표현.

extender, (ie),연장하다, 뻗다.

extensión, f., 확장, 범위, 연장.

extenso,-a, 확장됨; 넓다.

exterior, 외부, 외국.

exterior, m., 외관, 외관.

externo,-a, 외부.

extraer(traer 참조), 추출하다.

extranjero,-a, 외국의.

extranjero, m., 외국인.

extrañar, 궁금해하다, 궁금하다.

extrañeza, f., 경이로움, 놀라움.

extraño,-a, 이상, 기이한.

extraordinario,-a, 비범한.

extremidad, f., 말단.

extremo,-a, 극단, 가장 멀리; en——, 대단히, 극히.

extremo, m., 끝.

After coming to Tokyo for training, my smartphone screen was bugged and I sent it to repair last week.

In the first place, I just updated the main unit using docomo’s mobile phone compensation at the end of September last month, and it broke in less than a month, but when I asked the mobile phone compensation service, it would be repaired 14 days after updating. thing.

Well, I knew and understood that in advance, but how much refreshing products are broken too fast?

Rather than being broken, you have to doubt that you have 바카라게임사이트 been shipped after inspection.

I consulted with the reception of the mobile phone compensation service, but I just complained that the 14 -day rules were issued and there was no sign of breaking, so “it is not compensated as repairing the defective product as a clause.” , I brought it to a docomo shop in Tokyo.

Let’s say that docomo’s mobile phone compensation is scum.

The situation of failure is similar to the so -called Hulk phenomenon, which is expressed during smartphone use or when launching, and the screen becomes yellow and green lines and the whole green.

Even if I tried to shoot a squash to show it to docomo, I couldn’t shoot any problems on the display because the data was output without any problems.

However. It will be severe.

I didn’t have any options other than the repair, so for the time being, I sent it for repair, but it was a shame that the alternative machine was AQUOS’s shobo …

I’m using it now

Sony Xperia XZ3 released in 2018

Although it is a model with pros and cons in terms of reviews, if you use it, it is such a thing and it has been used to use it so far.

If you want to buy a new one now, it’s Galaxy instead of Xperia.

It is specifications or equipment.

If you have this, the conditions you think will be buying

○ Non -contact charging (Qi)

○ SD card slot

○ Video shooting function that does not fall due to heat

○ Plate display

○ Built -in memory (ROM) 250GB or more

On the contrary, what you don’t need

○ Earphone jack output terminal

○ Google calling dedicated physical button

○ Round shape display

○ High -spec shooting function that falls due to heat

○ In -camera in the display display area

○ The four corners of the display display area are round

○ Long display area (vertical length of Sony)

Etc., etc

All manufacturers have their pros and cons, and Sony Xperia 1 III is close to all -in, but I can’t find 150,000 yen.

I would like to expect from next spring model next year.

If you go, we will move to the Galaxy series.

Sony, I will ask! !